Well, I haven't been on here in awhile. I FINALLY got a job! A good one, with professional pay...one that actually is a career. I'm enjoying the job. The work is fun, though it is definitely not the place that I will be going out with co-workers. I have a strong personality, and people either love me or find me extremely annoying. From my experience, people who live in small towns usually find it annoying. Which is why I have decided to not communicate socially with my co-workers. It makes work lonely, but I think is the best for being productive and working as a team. To be perfectly honest, I don't find myself having a lot in common with them.
Other than working long days (at least 9 hours), I also have finally finished my dining room! I did every single bit of it myself. Including laying the bamboo floors, which wasn't as hard as I thought they would be. Here are some before and after photos of the dining room.